Program to Find nCr and nPr (Combinations and Permutations)
This is a C++ language program code to find nCr (Combinations) and nPr (Permutations).
Note that the program uses following formulas to find nCr and nPr.
The permutations formula is (P(n,r) = n! / (n - r)!).
The combinations formula is (C(n,r) = n! / r! * (n - r)!).
Here we go! :D
#include <iostream>using namespace std;long factorial(int x){long result = 1;for (int c = 1; c <= x; c++){result = result * c;}return result;}long find_ncr(int x, int y){long result;result = factorial(x) / (factorial(y)*factorial(x-y));return result;}
PS: I am using Code::Blocks 16.01long find_npr(int x,int y){long result;result = factorial(x) / factorial(x-y);return result;}int main(){int n, r;long ncr, npr;cout << "================" << endl;cout << "Enter the value of N : "; cin >> n;cout << "Enter the value of R : "; cin >> r;cout << "================" << endl;ncr = find_ncr(n,r);npr = find_npr(n,r);cout << n << "C" << r << " = " << ncr << endl;cout << n << "P" << r << " = " << npr << endl;return 0;}
Now, lemme give you my screenshot, so you can see like what I'm typing this code.
And....THIS IS IT!
And yes! you can modification this code to be something new different.
Thank you! :)
ada bug tuh wkwkkww int di c++ kan sampe 2147483647, long juga ada yg 32bit ada yg 64bit. coba deh running n nya 2000000, r nya 5. kompleksitas waktunya juga bakalan tinggi kalau dimasukin n nya 2147483647, r nya 5. programnya bisa dibikin lebih singkat kok :3 coba baca di sama baca juga di ....... CMIIW :3